Ghostbusters - Ghostbusting Equipment
Ecto Goggles
he Ecto-Goggles, resembling Spook Eyes in appearance are one of the smallest but equally effective pieces of equipment. Essentially a wearable P.K.E. Meter, the goggles slip over the wearer's eyes, allowing them to be able to track an entity while also being able to study its readings. The Ecto-Goggles also prove useful in locating invisible entities. As the goggles can locate P.K.E. they can create a virtual image of the entity. The Ecto-Goggles have seen several incarnations, most notably the original design, and then a unusual design created by Dr. Egon Spengler to help locate several poltergeists who had the ability to become invisible. Polarised lenses that could detect P.K.E detected them.
Ecto Goggles
Ecto Goggles
Safety Precautions: None Recorded.
F/N Adapted from information gathered from The Proton Lab.
A stethoscope connected to stereo earphones, worn by Dr. Egon Spengler.
"This is a high voltage laser containment system..."
The Ecto Containment Unit is a bleak repository for souls of many species. Strange lights, mists, and spectral shapes waft about aimlessly. Human-like figures lean against the walls in despairing convict poses. Others flit and hang on the ceiling. It is a sad and frightening limbo and a most unholy makeshift asylum.
Like it's smaller counterpart, the Containment Unit utilizes a revolutionary laser containment system. Up until recently the exact way the lasers contained the ghosts had been a mystery, however thanks to Sinister of GBN the physics of the Containment Unit were laid bare and the way the ghosts were contained explained.
The large Containment Unit as seen in The Real Ghostbusters is the second incarnation of the machine, the first incarnation having been destroyed due to a failure in the Unit's Protection Grid.
If we think of ghosts as a magnet block (Such as those used in science lessons at school.), the ghosts are the South (Negative) end, and the Proton Packs are the North (Positive) end. As we know when you put North and South together they attract. The same thing happens with the packs and ghosts, the two charges attract each other and they merge.
If the laser grid around the inside of the ECU (Which is a large trap.) were positive like the Proton streams, the ghosts would merge with the stream, and possibly be able to escape in the same way they occasionally escape the streams. However, if the grid lasers were negatively charged (Electrons) a South on south effect would happen. As the ghost approached the edge of the ECU it would be propelled backwards due to the shared charge, just as it would should you put two south magnets together.
So in conclusion the ECU has a box laser grid inside it with a negative charge that makes sure the ghosts are kept inside due to the fact that they can't break through it.
F/N Above description provided by Sinister.
C/N Thanks for the great info Iain!
Safety Precautions: There is only one warning about the Ecto Containment Unit that should be taken very seriously:
Do not, I repeat, do not shut it off: The break in power supply is identical to a trap overload/power drain, however on a somewhat larger scale, as stated by Dr. Egon Spengler, "It would be like dropping a bomb on the city." The ghosts, in their eagerness to escape cause the metal shell of the Ecto Containment Unit to rupture. As soon as this happens the build up of P.K.E. causes an explosion that decimates the structure containing the ECU. There has only been one recorded incident of the ECU being shut off against the Ghostbusters will by another human (Walter Peck, of course.). This was during the infamous Gozer incident. The resulting explosion gutted the Ghostbusters' headquarters and released all contained entities into the Greater New York Area.
According to Louis Tully, the Ghostbusters take great pride in their service and their brand image on a whole. They strive to present a professional and courteous appearance on the job, and they feel that the uniform is the best was to accomplish that. The standard Ghostbusters uniform consists of several parts:
1.) Flightsuit: CWU-27/P* Flight Suit made by FlightSuits.com.
2.) Black T-shirt: A black t-shirt worn under the flightsuit.
3.) GB logo patch: A patch of the GB logo on the right shoulder.
4.) Nametag: A black, rectangular-shaped nametag, with the wearer�s surname spelt out in capital red letters.
5.) Elbow Pads: Made by Markwort. They are gray and bubble-shaped.
6.) Pistol Belt: The belt holds the Neutrona Wand holder, Circuit Board Pouch, Rear Belt Circuit Board, Coil Cable with clips, Leg Tube W/ fitting and belt attachment.
7.) Boots: Black Zipper Paratrooper Boots. The zipper is on the side for quick attachment and removal.
8.) Chemical Gloves: Black gloves.
Essentially the Tripod Trap is identical to the standard Ghost Trap in operation. The main difference is the design, which allows for a larger containment area and also allows for elevated entrapment. The trap takes up less space then a standard trap and so can be used in areas of limited space. The device is still in the test stages as it hasn't been used in many busts. The Tripod Trap, when activated creates a grid-like confinement area, but tests have ranged in success.
Safety Precautions: There is only one warning about the Tripod Trap that should be taken very seriously:
Don't stare directly at the Laser: It can blind you if you aren't careful enough.
C/N Information above derived from further information provided to The Proton Lab by Matt Emery.
"I'm getting 2.5 G.E.V.s on the Giga-Meter."
G.E.V.s or Giga Electron Volts is an experimental alternate to the P.K.E. Meter. It's main purpose to measure the Psychomagnetheric energy in G.E.V.s. The meter has performed only limited use, and is most notably known for its use in the detection of the river of slime beneath First Avenue in New York.
Slime Blower
Slime Blower
"It's Slime Time."
The Slime Blower is one of the least used pieces of equipment due to the scarcity of the weapon's ammunition, positively charged Psychomagnetheric Ectoplasm. The Pyschomagnetheric Ectoplasm was first discovered in 1988 after an incident involving the Ghostbusters' first customer Dana Barrett. An examination of a street where she lived revealed a large quantity of the unusual Ectoplasm. Further exploration revealed the large quantity of slime flowed along the abandoned tunnels of the NYPRR. The New York Pneumatic Railroad, a system that had been an experimental subway system. After collecting a sample it was discovered that the slime reacted to negative vibes, having built up from all of the bad feelings and negative things said by every New Yorker to each other. After a complex series of tests it was discovered that the slime, like Proton streams, can be changed from negative to positive, and so positively charged slime was implemented in the Ghostbusters' arsenal. The slime was playing a part in the 300-year-old plan of a 17th Century Moldavian Tyrant known as Vigo the Carpathian. Utilizing the negative feelings of some "three million completely miserable assholes" Vigo was able to amass a huge amount of slime, which he used to coat the Manhattan Museum of Art, trapping Dana Barrett and her son Oscar who was to play an important part in Vigo's plan, to be the living embodiment of Vigo the Carpathian. However Vigo was eventually defeated through the use of his own slime being used against him.
Slime Blower
The Slime Blower works essentially like a fire extinguisher, projecting its ammunition at a specific target selected by the operator. The slime tanks are mounted onto an A.L.I.C.E. Pack Frame with bigger Straps and more padding and protection than the Proton Pack's A.L.I.C.E. Pack Frame. There are also two small but bright lights attached on top of the two small green air tanks. The Slime Blower works on an air pressure system. The central tank contains the mood slime, which is powered by positive human emotions. The two smaller green tanks on either side of the main tank are the air tanks. The Slime Blower's cannon features a switch trigger, which works similar to a tap with an air pressure system. When the switch is pulled, it makes the high-pressured air in the air tanks push the mood slime through the hose and into the large canister-like gun. The Slime fires at a fast and furious rate. The Slime Blower has also been used in possessions, forcing an entity to evacuate the host body due to the positive charge of the slime. The slime's positive charge was put to an unusual test when the Ghostbusters needed to create a large amount of positive vibes to crack the negative slime shell on the Manhattan Museum of Art, after animating a toaster they were able to animate the Statue of Liberty and walk her to the Manhattan Museum of Art.
Safety Precautions: None Recorded.
This is almost like a fishing rod. It has a small lamp on the end to provide light, in dark areas that are difficult to view. On the main section, a motor is activated and it extends an arm out (The maximum length is 3 ft.). When it reaches the full length, a sphere at the tip of the arm opens. The user then puts the sphere into the area that they�re gathering the sample from. The Slime Collector is mainly used to get samples of Ectoplasm. Once the sample is taken, the sphere closes and the user cranks it back into the locked position.
Aura Sensor
This is a small device that functions almost the same as a Giga-Meter (It�s much smaller, and doesn�t look anything like it.). It detects emotional activity and rapidly beeps. Egon used it to detect the emotions of the couple that thought they were waiting for marriage counseling. He also secretly used it to detect Dana Barrett�s emotions.
Also known as the "Ghost Sniffer", this piece of equipment was used by Dr. Peter Venkman in Dana Barrett�s apartment to detect Ectoplasmic vapor trails. It tests ionized traces left by P.K.E. activity, and can be used to date the occurrences of paranormal activity. It was created by Bacharach/United Technologies.
Copied from the Bacharach Website:
Bacharch Sniffer 300 Series
Ghostbusters Sniffer 300
Sniffer 300 Series gas indicators are lightweight, portable instruments designed for intermittent measurements of combustible gas and oxygen deficiency.
Rugged and rain resistant, these instruments represent a departure from traditional design. Each has a slender, high-impact thermoplastic case with a built-in handle and trigger switch. They each use easily-replaceable, field-proven sensors and internal sampling pumps for reliable service. The internal pump allows sampling up to 100 feet away.
Ghostbusters Sniffer 300
Ghostbusters 300 Sniffer
Designed for intrinsic safety, the Sniffer 300 Series instruments meet various approval agency requirements for use in Class I, Divisions 1 and 2, Groups A, B, C and D hazardous areas.
F/N Adapted from information gathered at GB.Props.com and the Bacharach website.
Most of the time, a paranormal entity (Mainly ghosts and any other creatures that don't have reflections.) doesn�t appear on film. However, it is still there. This Xerox-sized device lifts the spirit from the cover inside the photo revealing its form.
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Ghostbusters - Ecto 1
Ghosbusters Ecto 1 The automobile used to help them catch ghosts around the state of New York….There ready to believe you !
Ghostbusters Ecto 1
The Ecto-1 was the vehicle that the Ghostbusters used to travel throughout New York City busting ghosts and other entities. Being one of one of most recognisable Movie cars of all time the Miller-Meteor company was the company that converted this Cadillac into 3 different models, which were :
Futura - Which had a rear passenger area with windows that wrapped around the entirety of the automobile. This could be easily converted from limousine to ambulance to funeral coach.
Landau - This closed off the rear-cargo windows to create a level of privacy.
Sentinel - For Ambulance use - Higher ceiling / roof area
The vehicle used for the Ecto-1 was a 1959 390 CID V8 - 360 Hp - 4 speed - 20 gallon tank. The ambulance/hearse combination was the end loader variety. Dr. Ray Stantz found the vehicle shortly after he mortgaged his mother's house to buy the Firehouse.
Because of his mechanical skills, he was able to repair the vehicle, which he acquired for $4,800.
After repairs were completed, the vehicle had quite a unique character. It became a well-recognized symbol for the Ghostbusters franchise. The vehicle had enough room in it to store Proton Packs for all of the crew, along with Ecto Goggles, P.K.E. Meters, and a slew of Traps.
Ecto 1
Ive Found the Car !
After purchasing the vehicle in used condition, Ray had to make repairs on the following parts of the car:
· Suspension work
· Shocks
· Brakes
· Brake pads
· Lining
· Steering box
· Transmission
· Rear end
· New rings
· Mufflers
· (a little) wiring
Roof Rack
One of the most iconic parts of the Ecto 1 is the roof rack, What does it do ? What equipment is fitted ?
Here we are going to list the equipment, but in later Blog’s will be covering how this equipment works ….
Ecto 1 Equipment
Ecto 1 in action
Ecto 1 Roof Equipment
Dr. Egon Spengler miniaturized ghostbusting technology for mobile purposes and they were mounted on the roof rack of Ecto-1.
Muon Scrubbers * Federal Siren * Whelen HRDF - 200 * Federal Signal Model 19 * PKE Detection Array * Modified A-6 Compressed Air Tanks * Modified Marine Radio Antenna * T.U Antenna (AKA the Sniffer) * HVAC Unit * Code 3 Force 4 XL Lightbars * Modified Texas instruments cross-section sensitivity unit * Half Dome directional dish * Radio GPS Locator * High Intensity Microfoams * EMF Scrubbers
New Incarnations
Ecto 1 in action
After the Ghostbusters were shut down, the Ecto-1 was used primarily for transport to and from appearances at such places as children's birthday parties. It fell into a state of disrepair, and is seen spewing smoke, and having various other mechanical problems.
Following the Ghostbusters' return to business after capturing the Scoleri Brothers, the Ecto-1 got an overhaul had more lighbars, scrolling signs, and more equipment, and was renamed Ecto-1a.
A further updated version of the Ecto-1 appears in during the Thanksgiving 1991 weekend, Ecto-1b. This version is similar to the Ecto-1a, but adds a Super Slammer Muon Trap on the roof which enables it to capture smaller ghosts much more quickly than the portable versions, as well as adding the possibility of capturing much larger ghosts.
Behind the Scenes
Ecto 1
· Stephen Dane, credited as a Hardware Consultant, was the fabricator of the original Ectomobile.
· On October 5, 1983, Dane started working on Ecto-1. He visited the primary ambulance in the backlot at The Burbank Studios. He took reference photos and measurements then went home. Dane drew up isometrics of Ecto-1 and its roof rack and various views and elevations of the exterior and interior. Dane spent the longest amount of time in his gig working on the Ecto-1 design.
o After Reitman approved Dane's design, studio painters and prop makers at The Burbank Studios Mill went to work on paint and detailing. Dane oversaw construction and directed them on building the car based off his designs. After about two weeks, the paint job and details were blocked out. The prop makers also repaired the ambulance to driving condition, cleaned the interior, and installed equipment.
o By the time it shipped on October 19, the ambulance was about half-done. Dane bought parts for the roof rack. Once it was done, it was shipped to New York where it was attached to Ecto-1. The finished Ecto-1 wasn't an exact duplicate of Dane's designs. Dane originally drew the Proton Packs to lay sideways on Ecto-1's gurney but the prop makes changed that so the packs were upright at a slight angle. Some parts on the roof rack changed position from the design. They were on top of each other or faced in a different direction. After one to two days of finishing touches, Ecto-1 was ready for filming.
· Dan Aykroyd drove the Ecto-1 in New York.
· In previous drafts of the first movie, Ecto-1 was originally different models. In the July 6, 1983 draft, it was to be a blue and white 1975 Cadillac Full Formal Excelsior Ambulance bought for only $600 but by the time the September 30, 1983 draft was written, the price had escalated to $1400 for an even older 1959 model, "very long, gold 1959 Cadillac ambulance." During filming, inflation increased the cost to $4800.
Ecto 1 First Concept
· Dan Aykroyd's original Ecto-1 was an all-black, rather sinister-looking machine with flashing white and purple strobe lights that gave it a strange, ultraviolet aura. While going through the script, the cinematographer Laszlo Kovacs first pointed out the black design would be a problem since part of the movie would be shot at night.
· Dan Aykroyd's original Ecto-1 had some extranormal powers, such as the ability to dematerialize. One use of it would be to elude police pursuit.
· $4800 was a rather large sum at the time for a used vehicle in such disrepair
· A second Cadillac was bought in case of any maintenance problems during filming but only the primary was fully converted. The secondary was used solely for early "premodification" scenes.
· Sound designer Richard Beggs incorporated a modified leopard snarl for the siren sound. The snarl was reversed, played backwards, and then its speed was changed.
· Ecto-1 was promoting the 1984 film shortly after it was released in theaters. It drove around New York City with one of the Ghostbusters driving it in costume. Ecto-1 caused many accidents because other drivers lost control when they spotted the now-famous car.
· In a deleted scene of the first movie, there was encounter between a policeman and the Ecto-1. It was the only scene in the final shooting script that suggested the vehicle had some extranormal powers carried over from Aykroyd's initial draft. It was removed because it slowed down the montage. Ivan Reitman also felt it was asking too much from the audience.
· After shooting moved to Los Angeles, the second unit continued doing a couple of shots in New York with Ecto-1 and it broke down.
Ecto 1
o Ecto-1 died during filming of the Chapter 20 "Keymaster" scene where Ray and Winston drove across the Manhattan Bridge.
( The scene where Ray and Winston are in Ecto-1 talking about end of the world was used to audition actors for the role of Winston )
· Ecto-1 broke down in Central Park. They were blocking the crosstown traffic so the cast and crew pushed it out of the way.
· In the final shot of Ecto-1 driving away, a 65mm camera was used. They could only do one take because they were losing daylight.
· In Ghostbusters II, Ecto-1 was backfiring and spewing smoke. This was not done by special effects as the Cadillac truly was in a poor state of repair. It finally "died" on the Brooklyn Bridge. The NYPD fined the filmmakers because the Brooklyn Bridge does not have breakdown lanes and Ecto-1 was blocking traffic.
· Before Ghostbusters: The Video Game was released, the original (and now rusty and literally falling apart) Ecto-1 was restored to promote the game. Dan Aykroyd was shocked at the high quality of the restoration.
· There had been 3 Miller-Meteor Ambulances to portray the 2 vehicles, the pre-Ecto-1 which was never transformed, Ecto-1 which was originally a gold ambulance and Ecto-1a.
· In the August 5, 1983 draft of the first movie, on page 65, a Motor Trend cover hails Ecto-1 as "Car of the Year."
↑ Ray Stantz (2005). Ghostbusters (1984) (DVD ts. 20:36-45). Columbia Pictures. Ray says: "Everybody can relax, I found the car. Needs some suspension work and shocks... and brakes, brake pads, linings, steering box, transmission, rear end."
↑ Dan Aykroyd (2009). 2009 Remaster of Ghostbusters, Ecto-1: Restoring the Classic Car (2009) (Blu-Ray ts. 11:17-11:20). Columbia Pictures. Dan Aykroyd says: "Those are Muon Scrubbers up there."
↑ Dan Aykroyd (2009). 2009 Remaster of Ghostbusters, Ecto-1: Restoring the Classic Car (2009) (Blu-Ray ts. 11:26-11:35). Columbia Pictures. Dan Aykroyd says: "There's radio GPS Locator, there's high intensity microfoams, EMF scrubbers, it was all related to the hardware needed to go out and do what we had to do."
↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 66. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Working with a basic 1959 Cadillac ambulance, hardware consultant Steven Dane designed and modified the final vehicle."
↑ Joe Medjuck (2019). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (2019) (Blu-Ray ts. 1:03:35-1:03:38). Bueno Productions. Joe Medjuck says: "Dan drove the Ectomobile."
↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 50 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "In all previous drafts -- including Aykroyd's -- the basic vehicle from which the 'Ectomobile' would evolve was specified to be a 1975 Cadillac ambulance, secured for a bargain basement price of only $600. By the time the final script was written, the price had escalated to $1400 -- for an even older 1959 model. During filming, inflation struck once more, and the pricetag was upped to $4800."
↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 67 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Dan Aykroyd's original Ectomobile was an all-black rather sinister-looking machine with flashing white and purple strobe lights that gave it a strange, ultraviolet aura. Though kept essentially intact through all the drafts, the vehicle concept -- suggesting a hearse rather more than an ambulance -- was clearly more in keeping with the darker tone of Aykroyd's first draft than with the lighter ones that followed it. It was cinematographer Laszlo Kovacs, however, who first pointed out a serious problem with it."
↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 67 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Joe Medjuck recounts: "The Ectomobile would have been nothing more than a couple of headlights driving through the streets. So, keeping that in mind, we decided we'd better go with a white ambulance trimmed in red."
↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 67 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Harold Ramis recounts: "Dan's script was set in the near future and there was much more fantasy in it. In that script, the Ectomobile was able to dematerialize. When we anchored the script more in reality and set the time in the present, that concept had to go. Besides, it's funnier so see them in an old ambulance that barely runs."
↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 95 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Harold Ramis recounts: "The encounter between the policeman and the Ectomobile is the only scene in the final shooting script which suggested that the vehicle itself had some extranormal powers -- a carryover from Dan Aykroyd's initial draft in which the Ectomobile was equipped with an advanced dematerializing capability that allowed its operators, functioning somewhat outside the law, to readily elude police pursuit."
↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 66. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Although a second backup vehicle was procured as a hedge against maintenance problems, only the primary ambulance was fully converted. In the end, the backup was used solely for early 'premodification' scenes."
↑ Wallace, Daniel (2015). Ghostbusters The Ultimate Visual History, p. 42. Insight Editions, San Rafael CA USA, ISBN 9781608875108. Richard Beggs says: "It was a leopard snarl that I had done a number of things to. I looped it, cut it in quarter-inch tape, and played it backward. Usually I am very loath to play things backward, because they have a very telltale characteristic and I think it's sort of a cop out. I played it backward and it did that err-reearr-err-reearr- the exact opposite of an animal going arghh. It lost some of its organic sound and it became this 'mechanical animal' claxon."
↑ Richard Beggs (2019). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (2019) (Blu-Ray ts. 1:05:52-1:06:05). Bueno Productions. Richard Beggs says: "I made that from a leopard howl that was edited and then reversed and played backwards. And the speed was changed."
↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 95 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Though the ticketing sequence was shot and cut into the film, it was ultimately removed because it slowed down the breakneck pace of the montage."
↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 95 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Ivan Reitman says: "There was no reason for the Ectomobile to have magical powers. It had been done with the Bluesmobile in The Blues Brothers -- where the car did somersaults and things like that -- and I didn't think it was particularly successful. I don't like movies that have no rules -- where anything is possible. We were already asking the audience to believe that there was a piece of equipment that could trap a ghost. Asking them to accept an Ectomobile with supernatural powers was just too much."
↑ Beyond the Marquee Joe Medjuck Interview 9/15/14 Joe Medjuck says: "When you're making a movie, you have doubles for everything. We didn't have a double for that car. It was the only painted car and when we left town and flew back to LA to finish shooting, we had our second unit doing a couple of shots with the car in New York and it broke down. "
↑ Joe Medjuck (2005). Ghostbusters- Commentary (2005) (DVD ts. 1:03:21-1:03:23). Columbia TriStar Home Video. Joe Medjuck says: "This is when the car died at the end. "
↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 129 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Joe Medjuck: "This was one of the few scenes in the film that didn't have any big laughs in it, but we always liked it because it offered a possible explanation as to why the city was suddenly being plagued with ghosts. Also, it was a good scene for Winston -- in fact, this was the scene we used to audition actors for the role of Winston."
↑ Ernie Hudson (2009). Ghostbusters- Slimer Mode (2009) (Blu-Ray ts. 29:21-29:33). Columbia TriStar Home Video. Ernie Hudson says: "I mean, I remember we were in Central Park, you know, the little crosstown traffic that goes through and we held traffic up when the car broke down. And we had to get out and try to push the thing."
↑ Joe Medjuck (1999). Ghostbusters- Commentary (1999) (DVD ts. 01:40:16-01:40:34). Columbia TriStar Home Video. Joe Medjuck says: "I remember we got one chance at this shot because the light came down just as we were doing the shot. And they said it was the 65mm camera. So they could do that last shot. And they said they could only do one take because they lost all the light immediately."
↑ Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1983). Ghostbusters (First Draft August 5, 1983) (Script p. 65). Line reads: "FREEZE FRAME The cover of Motor Trend magazine: ECTO ONE - CAR OF THE YEAR.""
Also See
· Ecto-1a
· Ecto-1b
· Ecto-10
(DS): Ectomobile Rejects A Parking Ticket
(DS): Pulling Up To Fort Detmerring
(DS): Busy
(DS): Promotion
(DS): E.P.A.
(DS): Puft Hat
Ghostbusters II
88MPH Studios
Ghost Busted (manga)
Stylized Version
Stylized Portable Versions
IDW Comics
Ghostbusters: The Board Game
(DS): Ectomobile Rejects A Parking Ticket
(DS): Pulling Up To Fort Detmerring
(DS): Busy
(DS): Promotion
(DS): E.P.A.
(DS): Puft Hat
Ghostbusters II
88MPH Studios
Ghost Busted (manga)
Stylized Version
Stylized Portable Versions
IDW Comics
Ghostbusters: The Board Game
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Back to the Future DeLorean Time Machine Hire
‘The Future of Sandstone Productions’
Very excited and thrilled to offically announce we are now a Limited Company !
Buckle up for this monumental leap forward for Sandstone Productions LTD This isn't just a fancy new title (although, that does have a certain ring to it).
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Ghostbusters Ecto 1 C Hire
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Why the Change?
In a nutshell, this move allows us to operate with greater structure, flexibility, and futureproofing as we add to our services.
Nike Mags - Flux Capacitor - DeLorean Time Machine
Who’ are you ‘Gonna’ Call ?????
Sandstone Productions LTD taking you Back to the Future ….. !
Ghostbusters Ecto 1C Hits the Streets !
June 2024 our Ecto 1 C is now complete with P.K.E Meter, Ghost Trap, Portable Containment unit, Proton Packs, emergency lighting, and siren just ready for the 40th anniversary of Ghostbusters !
Ready for some Ghostbustin action ?
We are so please to announce the completion of our very own Ecto 1 C Ghostbusters Car
Ghostbusters Ecto 1C Experience
Our meticulously crafted modern replica of Ecto 1C is a testament and dedication to the Ghostbusters franchise and its enduring legacy.
“Our inspiration for building this Ecto 1C came from many different places, firstly from already building a DeLorean Time Machine. This gave me the inspiration to look at another one of my favourite film franchises Ghostbusters.
Consulting the option of fellow Ghostbusters who asked the question :
What car would the Ghostbusters Drive today…..?
Everyone in the States pointed to the Dodge Magnum (here in the U.K it would be the Chrysler 300c). As this platform of vehicle has been used for police cars and other emegency vehicles due to the size and larger engines.
So work set out to find one….. Many years rolled past, and working progess was delayed by working out how to power up and make the equipment operational. Also here in the U.K 300c’s in white were not sold, which meant it needed to be completely resprayed.
Fast forward to June 2024 and Ecto 1 C was finished complete with P.K.E Meter, Ghost Trap, Portable Containment unit, Proton Packs, emergency lighting, and siren just ready for the 40th anniversary of Ghostbusters !
Why ?
Knowing there’s so many Ghostbusters fans out there (and now driving our Ecto 1C around the streets I’ve found there are many more people that love the Ghostbsusters) I wanted to bring the enjoyment of the Ghostbusters to all the Fans.
Being able to actually provide this amazing experience of having an Ecto 1 for real on their drive, or out in patrol in one, and seeing that smile makes this a fantastic experience.
Ecto 1C is available for Weddings, Partys, conferences, events, special occasions, Birthdays and much more !